Though the term colonoscopy sounds like a complicated medical procedure, the truth is that it is simply a test. Colonoscopies are usually recommended to people who are facing lower gastrointestinal symptoms or have a family history of colon cancer. The procedure only takes less than half an hour and as long as you follow through with the post-examination care, you will be able to return to your normal routine in no time. Understanding what you should do after a colonoscopy will help you recover faster without any complications.
Here are things you must know!
- Colonoscopy is a visual examination to detect the abnormalities in the large intestine, a.k.a, colon and rectum. Your doctor prescribes this test to get a better understanding of the insides of your colon and rectum and to know about the causes of symptoms like bleeding from your anus, changes in your bowel activity, pain in your abdomen, unexplained weight loss, and more. When this test is prescribed as a screening test for colorectal cancer or polyps, the polyps or other abnormal tissues can even be removed using this procedure. Tissue samples for biopsies are also taken by doing a colonoscopy.
- Since this procedure is done by inserting a long flexible tube through the rectum, you might be advised to follow a special diet on the day of the examination. You may also be asked to use an enigma kit before the procedure as the procedure needs a clean bowel and any residue in the colon may block the view of your colon and rectum during the test.
- While this procedure is an uncomplicated one, there are a few things that should be done post-colonoscopy. The sedative you are given during the procedure will take you around an hour to recover from. During this time, until the sedative wears off, the patient will have to stay in a special recovery room. You should not drive or go back to work or do important things on the same day as it can take up to a day for the full effects of sedatives to wear off.
- It is natural to feel bloated and pass gas for the next few hours after the test as you clear the air from your colon. In fact, passing gas and walking around (not too fast) can minimise the discomfort caused by the procedure. These minor symptoms will not persist for more than 24 hours. It is also natural to find blood in the first few bowel movements after the examination. However, if the symptoms persist or if the blood passing continues, you should immediately seek medical help.
- Post-examination, the doctors or nurses will advise you on what diet to follow for the next few days so that you can quickly bounce back to your normal schedule. The test will only cause discomfort for a day or two.
At SMILES, we revolutionize the field of colorectal treatment and surgery. Colonoscopy is just an examination that will help you find the underlying problem with your symptoms so that we can help you to put an end to your sufferings. Being the best hospital in Bangalore for gastroenterology and one of the first integrated colo-rectal hospitals in India, we have advanced facilities and state-of-the-art technology for the treatment of disorders of the colon, rectum and anus at the hands of the best gastroenterologist in Bangalore.