When an abnormal connection between two organs or blood vessels is formed, it is called a fistula. It is an ‘abnormal’ connection between organs or vessels because these would not be connected otherwise in normal conditions. A fistula can form in any part of the body, such as the urinary tract, anus, intestines, aorta, vagina, and skin. Among these, fistulas of the urinary tract and anal fistulas are more common. Fistulotomy is a surgery that is performed to treat fistulas.
A fistula can develop in any part of the body due to infection, inflammation, surgery, or an injury. There are many ways of treating a fistula, and Fistulotomy is one of them. This procedure can be performed in a doctor’s office, but larger fistulas usually need to be operated under anaesthesia. A Fistulotomy is often confused with a Fistulectomy. In a Fistulectomy, doctors remove a fistula along with the surrounding tissues.
In a Fistulotomy procedure, the pus and fluid accumulated in the affected tissues are drained. This enables healing of the tissues and closes the abnormal opening between the organs. A Fistulotomy procedure has a very high success rate, but complex fistula cases require additional procedures.
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What are the Causes That Require a Fistulectomy?
- ● Naturally occurring fistula
- ● As a result of injuries
- ● Surgery
- ● Gastrointestinal diseases like Crohn’s disease, colitis, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
- Childbirth
What are the Symptoms of a Fistula?
- ● Irritation and reddening of the skin around the anus
- ● Pain in the anal region that increases on sitting, coughing, walking
- ● Fever with chills
- ● Rectal bleeding and painful bowel movements
- ● Bad smell around the anal region
- ● Malaise and fatigue
- ● Pus discharge from around the anus.
In the case of intestinal fistulas, the symptoms experienced by the patient include:
- ● Pain in the affected area and around the genital-anal area
- ● Frequent urinary tract infections
- ● Bloating and gas
- ● Diarrhoea
- ● Unexplained weight loss
- ● Inability to control bowel movements
People suffering from a urinary tract fistula show the following symptoms that are often helpful in diagnosing their condition:
- ● Pain while urinating
- ● Increased frequency of urination
- ● Foul-smelling urine
- ● Cloudy or mud-coloured urine
- ● Passing of stools while urinating due to poor bowel control
How is Fistulotomy Diagnosed?
When the fistula is very small and shallow, the surgeon can perform the Fistulotomy under local anaesthesia. However, a large fistula may require anaesthesia.
How is Fistula Treated Using Fistulotomy ?
In the case of deeper and larger fistulas, a Fistulotomy may be performed under anaesthesia and require hospital admission.
What are the Result of Fistulotomy Procedure?
Following a Fistulotomy procedure, the doctor will pack the wound with clean gauze and instruct you about cleaning it. You must avoid strenuous exercises or lifting heavy weights for around 5 to 7 days after the procedure. You need to rest and eat a healthy diet during your recovery period. It can take from 3 to 12 weeks for healing post a Fistulotomy procedure.
Your doctor may also prescribe oral or topical antibiotics to reduce the chances of infection. In addition, the patient will get a prescription with pain relief medications.
What are the Result of Fistulotomy Procedure?
- ● Relapse of the fistula due to improper healing of the wound (the wound must heal from inside out)
- ● Fever
- ● Loss of bowel control
- ● Post-surgical bleeding from the wound
- ● Pus formation around the wound
- ● Inability to urinate
- ● Constipation for more than three days
- ● Nausea and vomiting
Despite all the precautions and care post-fistulotomy, there are chances of a recurrence of the fistula.
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How Long Does a Fistulotomy Procedure Take?
Do I Need to be Admitted to a Hospital for a Fistulotomy?
When can I get Back to Normal Activities After a Fistulotomy Procedure?
Can I Get a Fistula Again After a Fistulotomy Procedure?
Can a Fistula Heal by Itself Without a Fistulotomy?
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