Fistula Laser Closure or FiLaC is a new sphincter conservation technique; it uses a radial laser probe to “burn” the fistula to destroy its wall and granulation tissue and then compress and close it.
By definition, a fistula is a tunnel that connects an organ or body cavity to the surface of the skin or other organ. One might get confused with something called anal fissures. It is a cut or a sharp incision on the skin or mucous membrane in the perianal region, unlike the fistula, connecting the inner and outer body surfaces. If you have either of these problems, you should visit a surgeon.
Anal fistulas are mostly chronic that is form around the anus. It causes repeated infections with or without pus collection. As a result, you might notice secretions, stains, or stool leakage on your underwear, itching at the anal region, and sometimes unhealable acne in the perianal or area surrounding your anus. This is a serious situation that may lead to severe complications. Therefore, it’s necessary to eliminate the problem immediately.
FiLaC is a successful short- to medium-term sphincter conservation technique for treating anal fistulas. However, its long-term success is unknown. This is used for various fistulas in the gut, mainly for anal fistulas.
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What are the Causes of FILAC?
There are various causes for the formation of a fistula, some as follows:
- ● Sexually transmitted diseases
- ● Cancer
- ● Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract)
- ● Trauma
- ● Radiation for cancer treatment
- ● Diverticulitis (inflammation of the large intestine with small spotted pustule formation)
- ● Tuberculosis
What are the Symptoms of FILAC?
- ● Bleeding
- ● Frequent anal pus formation or abscesses formation
- ● Fatigue, fever with chills
- ● Pain and swelling around the anus
- ● Pain during passing stool
- ● Irritation of the mucous membrane while passing stool
- ● Blood in stool
- ● Malodour of stool
- ● Pus around the anus
How is FILAC Diagnosed?
- ● Anoscopy is a procedure that uses special equipment to examine the inside of the anus and rectum.
- ● Your doctor may also request an ultrasound or MRI scan of the anal area to observe the fistula better.
- ● An anesthesia test may sometimes be needed to be examined by the surgeon in the operating room.
- ● Other tests such as X-rays, blood tests, and even a colonoscopy might be recommended by your doctor.
How is FILAC Treated?
What Are the Results Associated with FILAC Treatment?
The laxative recommended by the doctor can help soften the stool and relieve discomfort. A sitz bath can also be used to reduce irritation and discomfort in the anal area. It is recommended that you sit in a shallow warm bath several times a day for 10–20 minutes each time. This relaxes the sphincter and promotes healing. You can resume your normal life 4–5 weeks after the operation.
What Are the Risk Associated with FILAC Treatment?
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What are the Other Treatments of Anal Fistula?
- ● Fistula incision
- ● A flap advancement surgery is done to seal the fistula with a flap or tissue piece, just like removing a trap from the rectum.
- ● LIFT surgery is done where the skin is opened with the retraction of the sphincter muscles and suturing of the fistula.
Is it an Alarming Condition?
What is Fistulotomy?
Is Laser Fistula Treatment Safe?
Does Laser Fistula Surgery Hurt?
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