Pilonidal sinus is a cyst that occurs in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. It begins with a small pimple kind of structure that further grows into a big cyst. The cyst usually gets infected because of harmful bacterial growth and also contains dirt and debris along with hair follicles.
The most common symptoms of infected pilonidal sinus include pain, redness, swelling in the affected area. Certain things such as being obese, having a large amount of body hair, and prolonged sitting can increase the chances of developing pilonidal sinus.
Thinking that you can leave pilonidal sinus and it will disappear on its own? Then you are wrong. An untreated pilonidal cyst can cause serious health complications. Dr. Parameshwara, one of the best pilonidal sinus treatment doctors at SMILES gives you a detailed insight into the complications that untreated pilonidal cyst can lead to.
1. Formation of pus-filled abscess
When your pilonidal cyst gets severely infected it results in the abscess formation that causes intense pain and swelling. The pus or blood draining from the abscess having a foul odour keeps oozing out of the cyst frequently. A pilonidal sinus with an abscess may require surgical drainage as the infection may spread to the other parts of the body.
2. Inflammation and swelling in the affected area
The infected pilonidal cyst becomes inflamed and swollen that causes severe pain when sitting or standing. The swelling of the cyst causes reddish and sore skin around the affected area(just above your tailbone). Soak in a tub of warm water to ease the pain and keep the area near the pilonidal cyst clean and dry to avoid further infection.
3. Chances of developing multiple cysts
In the case of chronic inflammation of the pilonidal sinus, you are at a higher risk of developing multiple cysts. Having more than one cyst can cause unbearable pain and swell around the area. Therefore, the timely treatment of pilonidal sinus is necessary to keep yourself away from the complications associated with multiple pilonidal cysts.
4. Risk of cancer
If a chronically infected pilonidal cyst is left untreated, you may be at a slightly increased risk of developing skin cancer. Such type of skin cancer caused by pilonidal sinus is called squamous cell carcinoma(SCC). This occurs in rare and severe cases of pilonidal sinus, but if SCC occurs the right treatment of both cancer and the pilonidal sinus is required.
5. The complication of Fistula
Fistula, an abnormal connection between organs is yet another rare complication that can arise if the pilonidal sinus is left untreated for a long period of time. A condition in which pilonidal causes fistula is called pilonidal fistula in ano. It occurs when the pilonidal sinus spreads so much and reaches the anal canal, thus causing fistula.
How Pilonidal sinus treated?
There are numerous treatment options available for curing pilonidal cysts that include ayurvedic and surgical treatments. As pilonidal sinus has a tendency of reappearing a few weeks or months after the medication which means a pimple may form again. However, surgical treatment is the best option to avoid the chances of recurrence of pilonidal sinus.
But, why laser treatment for pilonidal sinus is effective?
The laser treatment for pilonidal sinus is a minimally invasive procedure which is an entirely painless procedure. The modern laser treatment consumes only 15-20 minutes to complete. It is a daycare procedure that lets the patient return home on the same day of the treatment.
The advanced laser treatment for pilonidal sinus also offers a smooth and speedy recovery. So, if you are looking for the best-suited treatment for pilonidal sinus, get in touch with our best surgeons at SMILES.