Constipated with ulcerative colitis?
It is a quite common problem due to rectal dysfunction. SMILES, the best ulcerative colitis treatment hospital in Bangalore explains the relation between ulcerative colitis & constipation and gives tips on how to manage it.
Ulcerative Colitis & Constipation
It is achronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation to the lining of the large intestine and rectum. As UC affects the digestive system, constipation is one of the possible complications when inflammation occurs in your rectum. Constipation refers to less than three stools a weak, straining during bowel movements or having hard stools. This is more problematic if you have UC because an inability to pass stools can trigger gas and abdominal pain. Other common symptoms of ulcerative colitis include diarrhoea, frequent and bloody stools, rectal bleeding. Corticosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs, and antibiotics are often prescribed to treat UC. But, you may need other home remedies that help manage constipation with ulcerative colitis.
5 Home Remedies to Treat Ulcerative Colitis Constipation
There are many ways to treat constipation in people with UC, depending on the severity of symptoms. The following are some of them you should consider.
1. Increase fluid intake
Hydration contributes to healthy gastrointestinal function as dehydration hardens stools – says Dr. Parameshwara, one of the experts of gastroenterology.
So, aim to drink water-based beverages (water, milk or juices) between 8 -10 glasses throughout the day. Limit your intake caffeinated beverages as diuretics in caffeine causes dehydration.
2. Eat more fiber
Increase your fiber intake to relieve mild to moderate constipation with colitis. However, too much fiber may worsen your symptoms of colitis. Keep a food journal to identify food triggers as your body may tolerate certain foods, but not others.
3. Keep track of bowel movements
Ulcerative colitis can affect the texture, composition, and frequency of stools. In people with UC, the large intestine becomes inflamed and develops ulcers in the rectum.
The type of stool they experience will depend on the location of inflammation and ulceration within the colon. Gastroenterologists use a Bristol stool chart that help recognize healthy bowel movements or identify possible problems associated with UC.
4. Engage in regular physical activity
Lack of physical activity may also a role in UC constipation. A sedentary lifestyle slows digestion which makes it harder to pass stools through the intestinal tract.
However, regular exercise normalizes bowel function and ease your symptoms of constipation. Start with low impact exercise that includes walking or swimming and then gradually increase workouts.
5. Over-the-counter laxatives
If diet, hydration, and exercise do not ease your symptoms, you may find relief from constipation by taking over the counter laxatives or stool softeners.
These laxatives induce bowel activity by increasing the amount of water in your intestines. But, it is best to get an opinion from the top gastroenterologists in Bangalore, as laxatives can have some adverse effects.
If you prolong constipation with UC, it can worsen your symptoms & lead to serious complications called toxic megacolon.
If the above remedies don’t help you then it better to take the second opinion from our best colitis treatment doctors at SMILES, Bangalore.