Sedentary Lifestyle And Anal Fissures

Sedentary Lifestyle And Anal Fissures

Anal Fissure is not a life-threatening condition but it is a painful problem that takes a huge toll on the quality of life of a person. It is a condition caused due to chronic diarrhoea or constipation. Anus comes with a delicate lining. A cut or tear caused on that lining is called anal fissures. The sedentary lifestyle that we are embracing during the time of this pandemic and lockdown are triggering factors of anal fissures.

An anal fissure is usually the result of an injury that stretches your anal canal. The primary causes include:

● Constipation
● Pregnancy and Childbirth
● Diarrhoea
● Muscle Spasms
● Anal sex

Anal fissures are common and can happen to men, women, and even children. However, adults between the ages of 20 and 40 are on the riskier side of anal fissures. The risk of being affected by anal fissures decrease with age. People with certain medical conditions like anal cancer, leukaemia, STDs, HIV,  Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc., are also prone to anal fissures.

One of the most common symptoms of anal fissure is the presence of blood on the stool passed. However, this symptom is common for many gastroenterological problems. That’s why it is essential to look out for other symptoms of anal fissures too! Below are the signs and symptoms of anal fissures.

● Constipation
● Pain after bowel movements
● Itching and burning sensation around the anal area
● Discomfort while urinating and passing stool
● Visible crack or tear in the anal region

As mentioned before, anal fissures are and won’t lead to any life-threatening diseases. However, they can be extremely uncomfortable. So, the treatment for anal fissures aims to ease the pain and discomfort. Anal fissures usually get cured on their own in a few weeks. During this period, we can do specific home remedies to promote healing. If the symptoms worsen or don’t go away even after six weeks, the doctor might advise you of alternative treatment methods that can be surgical or non-surgical.

Below are the most common treatment methods used for anal fissures:

Non-surgical treatment

Non-surgical treatment methods are usually used to treat the symptoms. Doctors advise anaesthetic creams and lotions to help the patient relieve pain and discomfort. Injections are also provided to help the spasms relax. Besides these, expert doctors also advise medications that will cure the condition without much pain.

Surgical treatment

Surgeries are only advised if the condition is chronic or if the symptoms worsen over some time. Lateral internal sphincterotomy is the most common surgery followed for treating anal fissures. Surgeries are highly effective and make the healing faster.


When should I visit a doctor if I suspect an anal fissure?

If you experience any discomfort and symptoms similar to anal fissures, it is best to visit your doctor as soon as possible. However, if the pain lasts longer than a few days, you should definitely see a specialist without fail. Only an expert doctor will be able to help you diagnose the condition efficiently.

Can anal fissures lead to colorectal cancers?

No. Anal fissures don’t cause colorectal cancers. Although the symptoms of anal fissures and colorectal cancers are similar, these conditions are entirely different and require different treatment methods. This is why it is important to consult a specialist doctor to diagnose the condition.

Is a sedentary lifestyle a reason for anal fissures?

Yes. Diet and lifestyle play essential roles in our bowel movements. Lack of fibre in your diet, inadequate intake of fruits, long hours of sitting, lack of exercise, etc., lead to constipation which is one of the significant root causes of anal fissure. Including leafy vegetables, fruits, and food items rich in fibre in your diet, exercising regularly, and drinking a lot of water can keep you immune to anal fissures to a large extent.

Anal fissures, as mentioned before, exhibits symptoms similar to many gastroenterological problems. For the same reason, one should only visit an expert doctor if one comes across any of the symptoms mentioned above. The best treatment for fissures in Bangalore is offered at SMILES Hospital. They have specialist doctors and laser treatment for fissures. SMILES Hospital is the world’s first exclusive and integrated tertiary care centre for colorectal and digestive disorders.

If you are looking for fissure treatment in Bangalore, now you know where to go!