Have you been diagnosed with a pilonidal cyst or do you suspect that you are developing a cyst? Here is what you need to know.
Pilonidal sinus or pilonidal cyst is a small hole in the skin filled with fluid or pus which usually occur in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. Generally, pilonidal cysts are harmless and rarely a life-threatening condition. However, if the cysts are not properly taken care of, there is a higher risk of developing a pilonidal abscess and systemic infection that spreads throughout the body.
The pilonidal cyst treatment doctors at SMILES Institute of Gastroenterology explains that patients have numerous pilonidal cyst treatment options to cure and minimize the possibility of the recurrence of pilonidal cyst.
What are the complications of pilonidal sinus?
Often times, surgery is a must to remove a pilonidal cyst that does not heal naturally or with medications said Dr. Paramesheara C M, the best pilonidal sinus doctor in Bangalore. The symptoms of pilonidal disease usually recur with pilonidal abscess becoming severe and extremely painful. If you choose to remove the pilonidal cyst, you should know the complications you may face during and after pilonidal sinus surgery. Some of these include:
- ● Risk with anesthesia: When you are going to remove your tailbone cyst, you will be given local anesthesia to keep you away from pain during the procedure. Anesthesia while surgery has various complications such as allergic reactions and the possibility of overdose.
- ● Risk of Infection: Unfortunately, most of the pilonidal sinuses become infected. Once these pilonidal sinuses get infected, the pilonidal abscess starts leaking the foul-smelling liquid and cause the patient pain in the area.
- ● Risk of cyst recurrence: Recurrence of a pilonidal cyst is the most common complication. Early recurrence of a pilonidal sinus is due to the failure to identify multiple sinuses at the time of incision or drainage. Later recurrence (more than 6 months of surgery) is caused by further development of hair or other debris.
- ● Risk of skin cancer: In rare cases, pilonidal sinus has been built up a form of skin cancer inside the tract. This type of skin cancer is known as squamous cell carcinoma. But, this disease is rare, so people with pilonidal disease need not worry about this disease. The buildup of cancerous cells seems to be associated with chronic pilonidal cyst infections.
Moreover, if the pilonidal cysts remain for longer periods of time and left untreated, these cysts can infect the blood and result in deadly sepsis.
SMILES Goals What are the risk factors of pilonidal disease?
A pilonidal cyst develops near the tailbone and looks like a small pit. The exact cause of the pilonidal cyst is not known but some potential risk factors have been identified for pilonidal disease.
- ● Excess body hair: The pilonidal sinus specialists suggest that people with an above average amount of body hair are more likely to get a pilonidal cyst. Maybe this is the reason why men are more affected than women.
- ● Obesity: Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, support the development of a perianal cyst.
- ● Inactive lifestyle: People who follow a sedentary lifestyle have a greater chance of increasing pilonidal cysts.
- ● Poor hygiene: Being hygienic plays a crucial role in developing as well as controlling pilonidal sinus.
- ● Friction: The continuous sitting exerts pressures and the friction near the cleft may lead to a pilonidal cyst.
- ● Tight clothing: Tight clothing prevents the air from entering the area of the buttocks which may cause excessive sweating and pilonidal disease.
- ● Family history: Approximately, one-third of the people affected due to a family member having the condition of pilonidal disease.
- ● Previous injury: Any previous injury or trauma to the affected area of the skin may also be a cause of getting pilonidal sinus
- ● Having hairy and deep natal cleft: People who have curly body hair and the deep natal cleft between the buttocks also increases the chances of getting pilonidal cysts.
If you or your loved one experiencing pilonidal disease, do not ignore. The pilonidal cysts will not go away on its own and will become worse over time. Consult the best doctor for pilonidal disease in Bangalore at SMILES for better advice to get the cysts cured.