Advice for Public By SMILES
Since Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 that first emerged in China, people have started to learn the new language of pandemics. Phrases likesocial distancingand flattening the curve have quickly entered our daily conversations.
Along with the spread of coronavirus, you might be confusing with the terminology around COVID-19. These terms and how exactly they are used can vary from place to place and they are also evolving, but SMILES here explain the most common terms.
1. Quarantine
Because of the long incubation period for COVID-19, anyone who may have been exposed to someone tested positive or who travelled to an area where there is an active corona outbreak may be asked to quarantinethemselves (avoid contact with other people) typically for 14 days. And if that period passes without any signs and symptoms of COVID-19, it’s considered safe to assume that the person quarantined wasn’t infected.
Currently, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends quarantining for travellers arriving from 30 European countries including Ireland, the United Kingdom, China, Iran, Malaysia, and South Korea.
2. Self Isolation
If someone found positive for novel coronavirus or COVID-19 but is not suffering from symptoms serious enough to hospitalize, doctors may recommend that they isolate in their own home and avoid contact with all other people. The CDC and other health care officials provide some safety measures for someone who is self-isolating. These include wearing a face mask whenever they are in contact with any other person and keep monitoring their symptoms.
3. Shelter-in-place order
Before the context of COVID-19, the term “shelter in place” was typically used in situations when authorities asked the public to seek protection from environmental hazards. These are legal orders with the potential for fines or imprisonment if violated.
In general, shelter in place is suitable when conditions outside are unsafe and a higher degree of protection is available inside.
When it is necessary to shelter in place, people seek to protect themselves in a readily accessible location. Large storage closets, utility rooms, conference rooms and other rooms without exterior windows can be preferred as shelters.
A shelter-in-place situation requires closing and locking all doors and windows. During a shelter in place alert, none should leave the area until it is clear from calamities.
With the spread of COVID-19 in recent weeks, residents have been asked to stay at home with only essential services available – for example, travelling to get medical care or going to a grocery store.
4. Lockdown (secure in place)
n many contexts, both shelter-in-place and lockdowns are similar as they are the orders to the public to stay at home. A lockdown, however, describes as an emergency call that usually prevents people (or information) from leaving an area. The main purpose of a lockdown is to protect people of a particular area from a threat or other external event.
Due to the effect of COVID-19, people are asked for complete lockdown which means that people must stay where they are and must not enter or exit the area under lockdown.
In the current lockdown situation of COVID-19, all public transport, public places such as malls, theatres, restaurants spas, and gyms, etc are closed to prevent the spread of the virus. Only shops that sell essential goods are allowed to open for the convenience of people.
5. How do you prepare for coronavirus lockdown?
SMILES recommends a few steps below to prepare for lockdown.
- ● Prepare all your essentials such as groceries, drinking water, fruits, and vegetables.
- ● Keep medicines ready for fever, cold, cough, and headache.
- ● Always keep cash handy for emergency.
- ● Keep soaps, sanitizers and sanitary napkins readily available.
- ● Plan your work from home with a reliable internet connection and remote-essentials.
For more updates, keep following SMILES. Stay safe and stay healthy!