Bottled Water vs Tap Water – Side Effects

Bottled Water vs Tap Water: Which one is safer to drink?

The controversy about tap water vs bottled water is not so simple. Most people drink both knowing the benefits of drinking plenty of water. But, which one is better?

Drinking water- tap, filtered and bottled water are important for healthy hydration and play a crucial role in our lives. The food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates the safety of bottled water while the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates tap water. However, both tap water and bottles are generally similar in terms of safety.

We choose bottled water for several reasons including taste, quality, and convenience. But, tap water is safer and often better than bottled water. This is because the plastic in bottled water seeps out of the bottle into the water and causes illness such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cancers, and heart diseases, etc.

Also, it is possible to introduce germs into bottled water that may not found in tap water. If you are the one to choose bottled water, then you should know about the harmful effects that are explained below.

Side effects of drinking bottled water

The health care professionals at SMILES outlined some of the potential effects of drinking bottled water.

1. Plastic toxicity

Plastic containers contain a famous toxic chemical called Bisphenol-A or BPA. This BPA is an endocrine disruptor that interferes with normal hormone function especially estrogen. The chemical leaches from its plastic source out of the bottle and enters into the water that leads to a host of health problems.

Even though the FDA banned the use of BPA in baby bottles, however, it is likely found in many other plastics. So, look for bottles that say BPA free on the label to minimize plastic exposure.

2. Lack of Fluoride

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and gum damage. The fluoride content in bottled water varies greatly where the vast majority of bottled waters do not contain optimal levels of fluoride and sometimes contain no fluoride. When the water is treated before it is bottled, fluoride may be lost.

The centers for Disease control explain that fluoride exists naturally in tap water and thus it is recommended for good oral health.

3. Contamination

Plastic contamination is uncontrolled in bottled water. Researches found 325 microplastic particles per liter of bottled water. These particles in plastic water bottles can cause an increased amount of bacteria that leads to indigestion and inhalation and sometimes maybe the cause psychological barriers.

Remember, drinking significantly less or no plastic from tap water is beneficial than bottled water.

Other downsides of bottled water

For the consumer, bottled water is more expensive than tap water. And the biggest downside of bottled water is environmental problems. A few of such environmental problems caused by plastic bottles include:

Packing, transporting, and freezing bottled water uses significant fossil fuels.

Most plastic bottles are landfilled, where they decompose very slowly and release toxic chemicals.

Moreover, many plastic bottles end in the oceans, contributing to the massive problem of plastic pollution

SMILES suggest to cut down bottled water and consume tap water, not only for environmental safety but also for your health as well.