Not every grade of piles can be cured with just treatment. Some complex cases of piles require laser piles treatment.
Planning a piles laser surgery? There are various options to get rid of painful piles particularly when someone has reached a chronic stage, surgery is one of them. If it is decided that surgery is the right for painful hemorrhoids, then it can lead to a confusion as there are more than a few options to select from. Among all of them, laser piles have become popular.
There are many advantages of laser piles surgery.
Advantages of Laser Piles Surgery
1. Very less bleeding
The most primary and biggest advantages of laser surgery are that it does not involve much bleeding. Laser surgery helps in reducing the amount of blood flow by sealing the blood vessels and tissues. Laser piles surgery does not affect the tissues around the piles in any way.
2. Much safer and less painful
Laser surgery is one of the least painful surgical treatment for piles. Previously, the surgery for piles was dreaded by most of the people due to the amount of pain caused. But the laser surgery does not create any sort of sparks.
3. Fast Process
The duration of the pile’s laser surgical treatment is too short. The surgery takes just 45 minutes to finish. Alternative methods of surgery might take few days to few weeks to heal piles completely. So, this makes a better choice of piles surgery. The healing process differs from person to person in this method of surgery. Piles laser surgery is more flexible.
4. Fast Healing
Within an hour after surgery, the patient would be able to walk out of the hospital. However, the time required for the healing process is a lot lesser. The patient can resume to a routine with just a couple of days rest.
5. Easier way
Performing Laser surgery is a lot easier than a traditional surgery. This is due to the surgeon will have more control over the process. The amount of effort by the surgeon is a lot lesser. The results are always better when the work of the surgeon is made easier.
Get laser surgery from the best piles surgeon in India who have successfully performed thousands of laser piles surgeries.