Anal Fissure – Foods to avoid

An anal fissure is a tear or small cut in the lining of the anus. The crack in the skin causes severe pain and bleeding always during the bowel movements. Fissures are quite common but are often confused with the other causes of pain and bleeding such as hemorrhoids.

An anal fissure doesn’t lead to a more serious condition. It can affect people of any age and is often seen in infants since constipation is a common problem in these age groups. For more knowledge on fissure treatment in bangalore, you can have a consultation with specialists also.

What food should you avoid?

If you have an anal fissure, you will need to avoid eating  some foods which are listed below:

  • White flour: Consuming products made with white flour forms a sticky paste slows down the bowel movement, cause constipation, burning and itching your fissure. So avoid eating bread, bagels, and pasta which are made with white flour.
  • Added sugars: Food items like cookies, pastries, cakes, and doughnuts are low in fiber, low in fluid and high in fat. Avoid your intake of these foods and choose higher fiber snacks such as fresh fruits.
  • Processed foods, Frozen Dinners: When you are trying to avoid constipation, stay away from processed foods. Eat only fresh foods that include all the fiber and nutrient content. Frozen dinners are almost always low in fiber as well.
  • Fried foods: Fried foods take a long time to digest which results in constipation. The high-fat content in fried foods has a tendency to slow down the bowel movement.
  • Unripe bananas: Ripe bananas helps in relieving constipation. On the other hand, unripe bananas contain a lot of starch which is hard to digest and cause constipation.
  • Spicy foods: Spicy and pickled foods can cause excess burning and irritation to the anal canal as they pass through the bowels. Avoid these foods when you treat anal fissures.
  • Dairy products: Products such as Cheese, ice cream, and other dairy products are hard to digest and cause problems in the digestive tract as they are high in fat and low in fiber.

It is always best to avoid dairy products as constipated stools worsen anal fissures and will slow down the healing process.